If you or a loved one have been injured in a car or truck accident, or in a nursing home, then it is very important that you retain the services of an experienced personal injury lawyer.
The insurance business is a multibillion dollar industry, and their goal after you have been injured is to pay you as little as possible on your claim. To the insurance company, it is a numbers game. Take in as many premiums as possible, pay out as little as possible on injury claims. Fair or not, it is the point blank truth.
Hiring Schenk Smith to handle your claim is going to be your best defense against being taken advantage of. Think of it this way, if the insurance company is a cobra, an experienced personal injury trial lawyer is the mongoose- the only animal agile and quick enough to defeat the cobra.
Once you retain Schenk Smith, you can expect two things:
First, you can expect that an actual trial lawyer will be communicating with you about your case every step of the way. Not an office administrator, not a paralegal. An actual person with a face and their name on the door.
Second, you can expect that your case will be handled so that you will receive the most amount of recovery available to you under the law. Many TV and Billboard law firms attempt to settle claims quickly, to the detriment of their clients. Not at Schenk Smith. We aim to maximize the value of your claim.
If you or a loved one have been involved in a car or truck wreck, or in a nursing home, then you will soon be approached by the cobra. Before that happens, please call and speak to the Atlanta personal injury lawyers at Schenk Smith today.