The four stages of bed sores found in nursing home neglect.
Nursing Home Abuse


Bedsores, also called pressure ulcers, are injuries to skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on the skin. They are also a sign of neglect in nursing home residents.

According to the national pressure ulcer advisory panel and the mayo clinic, bedsores fall into one of four stages based on their severity.

For stage 1 bedsores, the skin is not broken, on people with lighter skin color, the area will appear red, and on people with darker skin, the skin shows discoloration and doesn’t blanch when touched. At this point, the area may be tender to the touch, and will feel warm or cool compared to surrounding skin.

With stage 2 bedsores, the outer layer of the skin begins to appear damaged, or may be lost. The area will begin to become shallow and red, or look like a fluid-filled blister.

With stage 3, the bedsore has become a deeper wound. The area will look like a crater in the body, and may be exposing body fat, or yellow, dead tissue. At stage III, the ulcer is a deep wound.

With stage 4, the bedsore has become increasingly damaging. In stage 4 bedsores, the wound may expose muscle or bone. The bottom of the wound tends to contain yellowish, dead tissue that has become crusty. The area of the wound has also extended beyond the bedsore.

If your loved one is a resident of a nursing home and has recently developed sores,it is very important that you call and speak to one of our experienced nursing home neglect lawyers today.