Financial abuse may be rapidly becoming the most prevalent form of elder abuse taking place. 1 in 20 elders have reported some form of financial exploitation occurring recently. This may be vastly different than the actual number of elders experiencing financial abuse – only 1 in every 44 cases are reported. The great majority of financial abusers are relatives or trusted friends, though a high percentage comes from scams perpetrated by strangers. One of the most common forms of financial abuse by trusted friends and family members is obtaining power of attorney to handle the senior’s finances and legal matters. The Guardian reports on comic book mogul Stan Lee’s renewed protection order against a perpetrator of financial abuse.
Last month, comic book legend Stan Lee won his bid to renew a protection order against a onetime business manager who is accused of financially abusing him.
Keya Morgan, a memorabilia collector in New York became involved with Lee directly after the death of his wife last year. Now, Morgan must stay at least 100 yards away from Lee for the next three years.
The protection order not only covers Lee but also his daughter, 68-year-old Joan Celia “CJ” Lee and his brother, 86-year-old Larry Lieber.
The documents supporting the renewal of the protection order allege that Morgan, whose real name is Keyrash Mazhari, seized control of Lee’s home, hired security personnel to keep friends and family members away, and eventually moved Lee from his longtime home to an unfamiliar condominium.
Morgan denies the allegations of abuse. However, Morgan was arrested for making a false police report for calling 911 and alleging burglary when police detectives and social workers came to check on Lee’s welfare.
Lee is an icon in the comic industry, known for creating such characters as the Hulk, Spider-Man, and Iron Man. He has endeared himself through his various cameos in the Marvel Universe films.
According to friends and family, Lee is now back in his home and managing his affairs with the help of relatives and other friends. He continues to try and work a little every day.