There are many treatments for bedsores. The type of treatment provided will often depend on the severity of the bedsore. In other words, what might be helpful for a Stage 1 bedsore will not be enough to heal a Stage 4 bedsore.
Treating Stage 1 and Stage 2 Bedsores
With Stage 1 and Stage 2 bedsores, the most common treatment is simple: take pressure off of the wound. By relieving the weight of the body on the wound, the skin, underlying tissue, and bone are no longer compressed. This allows the blood to move freely about the affected area and kick start the healing process. Nursing home residents are routinely repositioned to keep the pressure off of a wound. So for example, if the bedsore is at the sacrum or tailbone, nursing home staff may place the resident on his or her left side. Then, usually on a schedule of once every two hours, the staff will rotate the resident to the right side, and so on.
Further, special devices may be employed to reduce pressure or the effects of sheer. For example, air mattresses, foam cushions, and items to lift body parts.
Cleaning and dressing an early stage bedsore is essential. Applying topical foams and creams may be required, depending on the severity. However, “airing out” the wound may also be effective.
Treating Stage 3 and Stage 4 Bedsores
For later stages, such as Stage 3 and Stage 4, the above remedies will need to be supplemented with more proactive treatment.
Debridement is the process by which dead tissue is removed from the wound area. This procedure often requires surgical removal. The wound specialist will use scalpels and scissors, and can be quite painful to the patient. Debridement can also be accomplished through enzymes and other medications. Removing dead tissue helps to reduce the risk of infection and stimulate healing.
Keeping the wound dry is essential. Unfortunately, depending on the location, urine, feces, sweat, blood, and other discharge may make keeping the wound clean and dry difficult.
Nutrition is important to treating a later stage bedsore. Patients are often prescribed zinc and vitamin c, and are directed to eat more protein.
If your loved developed bed sores at a nursing home or assisted living facility, and you are wondering if you have a claim, then please, feel free to call and speak to one of our experienced Georgia nursing home neglect lawyers today. Our consultations are always free.