The statistics of abuse and neglect that take place in a nursing home or assisted living facility are sobering. According to the Nursing Home Abuse Center, a study of 2,000 facilities indicated an abuse rate of 44% and a neglect rate of 95%. Ombudsmen at long-term care facilities state that 7% of their complaints are related to allegations of abuse, exploitation, or neglect. Many of these instances of abuse or neglect go unreported or unnoticed during state inspections. The State reports on a court case where a Kentucky nursing home was found liable for the abuse and neglect of a resident.
Lexington Medical Center Extended Care was found guilty of gross negligence in connection with the death of one of its residents.
The jury awarded the family of Samuel B. Cunningham $450,000. $200,000 was for Cunningham’s pain and suffering as well as medical and funeral expenses. Another $250,000 was awarded for the family’s mental shock and suffering as well as the loss of companionship.
When Cunningham was admitted to the facility in 2013 at age 81, he was suffering from dementia and was legally blind.
Nursing home records show that Cunningham was involved in 26 falls. On one of these occasions, he was found outside the facility with multiple ant bites. Family members report finding him soaked in urine and lacking in hygiene care.
In July of 2015, Cunningham was admitted to Lexington Medical Center. He was suffering from skin breakdown in multiple areas, malnutrition, and infections.
Cunningham died of these conditions two weeks later.